By B N Mehrotra
8th Edition, 2022
Mehrotra B N's Law of Defamation, Damages, Malicious Prosecution alongwith special emphasis upon Social Media Defamation, Hate Speech, Pre-Trial Media Publications and Parliamentary Privileges
Hardback: Rs. 3,795.00 Rs. 3,036.00
By V Mitter
14th Edition, 2017
V Mitter Law of Defamation and Malicious Prosecution: Civil and Criminal is a comprehensive commentary on the subject of Defamation and...
Hardback: Rs. 1,495.00 Rs. 1,271.00
By Heather Rogers QC, Richard Rampton QC, Timoth...
5th Edition 2020, Indian Reprint 2023
Duncan and Neill's book is a leading authority on defamation law and other related types of action, and as such is an essential edition to the legal library of all practitioners...
Hardback: Rs. 2,795.00 Rs. 2,376.00
By Cameron Doley, Alastair Mullis
6th Edition 2014, Reprinted 2019
Carter-Ruck on Libel and Privacy 6th ed is an essential purchase for every practitioner involved with the law of defamation or the law of contempt.
Hardback: Rs. 4,995.00 Rs. 4,246.00
By Andrew Terrenborn
2nd Edition 2010, Indian Reprint 2014
Now in its second edition, this essential text on the Law of Damages provides a comprehensive and authoritative account of the legal principles to be applied in assessing damages. It examines...
Hardback: Rs. 3,795.00 Rs. 3,226.00
By Yogesh V Nayyar
2nd Edition, 2024
Word 'Defamation' relates to the word 'Reputation' of an individual! Where it comes to prosecution, there are two parts viz. genuine prosecution of an individual and...
Hardback: Rs. 2,700.00 Rs. 2,079.00