1951 to 2009
Introduction:The Consolidated Index contains cases reported...
Hardback: Rs. 44,000.00 Rs. 39,600.00
The Weekly Law Reports cover cases heard in the House of Lords, Privy Council,the Court of Appeal, all divisions of the High Court and the relevant decisions of...
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The Law Reports represent the benchmark in law reporting. Typically, the Law Reports cover cases which introduce new principles or rules of law or modify significant...
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By EBC in Collaboration with ICLR
The Business Law Reports is designed to meet the needs of commercial lawyers and those working within the business community. The series covers recent decisions...
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The Red Index is five years' (2001-2005) Consolidated Index for cases reported in the main law reports of the UK. The appropriate headings and subheadings of subject matter under which to look will be...
Rs. 3,500.00 Rs. 3,150.00
The Red Index is three years' (2006-2008) Consolidated Index for cases reported in the main law reports of the UK. The appropriate headings and subheadings of subject matter under which to look...
Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 1,800.00
This volume is the continuation volume to the earlier volumes of indices. This Red Index covers Cases reported from 1991-2000 and published by Council of Law Reports. Includes cases as reported in The...
Rs. 7,000.00 Rs. 6,300.00
This volume is the continuation volume to the Index for 1951–1960, This Red Index covers Cases reported from 1961-1970 and published by Council of Law Reports. The Consolidated Index of 1961 to...
Rs. 7,000.00 Rs. 6,300.00
This Red Index covers Cases reported in 1951-1960 and published by the Council of Law Reports.
Rs. 7,000.00 Rs. 6,300.00