By V. K. Kharbanda
3rd Edition, 2021
Hardback: Rs. 1,600.00 Rs. 1,280.00
By P.L. Malik
5th Edition, 2001
The Factories (Amendment) Act, 1986 had brought about some groundbreaking changes in the Act giving it an entirely different perspective. The Amending Act provides stricter punishment for breach of...
Hardback: Rs. 590.00 Rs. 443.00
By P.L. Malik
2nd Edition, 2004 (POD)
This handy work contains the full amended text of the following along with useful, crisp notes on case-law on the subject. It contains the Factories Act, 1948, Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing...
Paperback: Rs. 800.00 Rs. 720.00
By P.L. Malik
2000 with Supplement, 2003
The book provides the up-to-date and amended text of the Factories Act, 1948 alongwith very useful, detailed annotations and recent case laws.
Hardcover: Rs. 400.00 Rs. 360.00
By Dr. J.P. Sharma
2nd Edition, 2009
Factories Act, 1948 with FAQs
Paperback: Rs. 200.00 Rs. 170.00
By B.V.R. Sarma
The author of this book has used his skill,expertise and knowledge to the best of his capacity to provide every information as far as possible based upon the judgments as reported in...
Hardback: Rs. 900.00 Rs. 810.00
By Kharbanda and Kharbanda
Kharbanda and Kharbanda Handbook of Industrial Disputes Act,1947 Alongwith Main Features of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and Central Rules, 1957, And...
Paperback: Rs. 850.00 Rs. 765.00
By Narender Kumar
2nd Edition, 2022
The Industrial Disputes Act was enacted in the year 1947. In the Act, provisions have been made to promote cordial relations between the employer and employees and also to build up understanding...
Paperback: Rs. 450.00 Rs. 383.00
By V K Kharbanda, M P Shrivastav
3rd Edition, 2023
A commentary on Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 along with Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Central Rules, 1946, based on the decisions of Supreme Court and High...
Hardback: Rs. 1,400.00 Rs. 1,120.00