By Saurabh Bindal
12th Edition 2022, Reprinted 2024: Rs.795.00 Rs.676.00 |
eBOOK: Rs.775.00 Rs.580.00 |
By Anupam Kurlwal
4th Edition, 2022
This classic work by our eminent author, Dr. Anupam Kurlwal, provides a comprehensive analysis of Alternate Dispute Resolution. The present edition, in no uncertain terms, tends to provide the subject, an Indian...
Paperback: Rs. 640.00 Rs. 576.00
By K V Satyanarayana
2nd Edition, 2021
Law of Arbitration and Conciliation in India by K V Satyanarayana, As Amended by Act No. 33 of 2019, Partially enforced, w.e.f. 30.08.2018)
Paperback: Rs. 900.00 Rs. 810.00
By Anuroop Omkar, Kritika Krishnamurthy
2nd Edition, 2021
The book introduces two important tools which can help prevent and manage conflicts in business and life in general – negotiation and mediation. Knowing how to negotiate helps...
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By S. C. Tripathi
9th Edition, 2021
The legal framework surrounding Arbitration in India has...
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By N V Paranjape
9th Edition, 2020
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By O P Tewari
7th Edition, 2023
Being a simple text book on the new Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996.
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By S C Tripathi
3rd Edition 2018, Reprinted 2021
Alternative Dispute Resolution by Dr. S.C. Tripathi is a comprehensive study on different dispute resolution mechanisms that are viable alternatives to the courts. The book has been divided into...
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By Madhusudan Saharay
4th Edition, 2017
The Textbook on Arbitration & Conciliation with Alternate Dispute Resolution is an extensive work on the law relating to Arbitration, Conciliation and other Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanism in India. Primarily...
Paperback: Rs. 495.00 Rs. 421.00