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Political activism : Politics & Government : GLOBAL
Product List : Total 494 results
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Social Movements in Egypt and Iran
By Povey, Ms. Tara
This book analyses the reform movement in Iran and the Egyptian opposition movement since the early 1990s in their historical contexts. It argues that the contemporary movements seen on the streets of the regions today...

Hardback: Rs. 5,399.00  Rs. 4,589.00
Education and NGOs

Hardback: Rs. 18,000.00  Rs. 15,300.00
Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising
By Achcar, Gilbert
In this sequel to his landmark exploration of the Arab uprisings, The People Want, Gilbert Achcar assesses the present stage of the revolutionary process and its possible outcomes.

Paperback: Rs. 1,559.00  Rs. 1,325.00
Targeted Killing: A Legal and Political History
By Markus Gunneflo (Lunds Universitet, Sweden)
Looking beyond the events of the second intifada and 9/11, this book reveals how targeted killing is intimately embedded in both Israeli and US statecraft, and in the problematic relationship between sovereign authority...

Hardback: Rs. 7,799.00
The Law of Armed Conflict and the Use of Force: The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
This volume brings together articles on the law of armed conflict and the use of force from the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, the definitive reference work on international law. It provides an...

Hardback: Rs. 20,500.00
Conscience and Conviction: The Case for Civil Disobedience
By Kimberley Brownlee (Associate Professor of Le...
The book shows that civil disobedience is generally more defensible than private conscientious objection. Part I explores the morality of conviction and conscience. Each of these concepts informs a distinct argument...

Hardback: Rs. 4,949.00
The Rise of Tamil Separatism in Sri Lanka: From Communalism to Secession
By Gnanapala Welhengama, Nirmala Pillay (Liverpo...
Among the examples of civil wars, armed secessionist movements and minority uprisings in the world today, many involve conflict between a minority group's aim for political self-determination, and the nation...

Hardback: Rs. 12,000.00
Detention in Non-International Armed Conflict
By Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne (Lecturer in Law, Sch...
International law has long differentiated between international and non-international armed conflicts, traditionally regulating the former far more comprehensively than the latter. This is particularly stark in the case...

Hardback: Rs. 7,700.00
NGOs and Global Trade
By Hannah, Erin

Hardback: Rs. 17,400.00  Rs. 14,790.00